Health & Safety
Imagineering Foundation Policy Statement
The Imagineering Foundation recognises that a safe and healthy working environment for all its people acting on its behalf is an integral part of effective performance as well as being an important Duty of Care. The Imagineering Foundation accepts that this implies a corresponding duty of ensuring that the necessary organisation, equipment and training is provided to fulfil this obligation. To be effective our health and safety policy requires the full collaboration of all persons active within the Imagineering Foundation and it is the normal administration responsibility to ensure that everybody is aware of this document and accepts their own part in ensuring health and safety at all activities
It is the responsibility of all people acting for the Imagineering Foundation:-
To ensure compliance with the principles and provisions associated with charities and volunteer helpers, together with guidance from other interested parties to ensure that safe systems of work and a safe and healthy working environment exists, and to ensure that adequate resources are made available for the fulfilment of this Policy.
By consultation and involvement to enlist the active interest, participation and support of other people participating in Imagineering Foundation activities in promoting good standards of Health and Safety.
To ensure that all concerned are fully aware of their own personal responsibilities for Health and Safety.
It is the responsibility of all people participating with the Imagineering Foundation :-
To take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of fellow persons and to report any hazard which cannot be controlled personally.
To co-operate with the Imagineering Foundation by observing safety practices and complying with any measures designed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
The Imagineering Foundation activity supports a continuous and critical scrutiny of conditions; reviewing health and safety issues and promoting safe operations and encouraging improvement.
The Imagineering Foundation will conduct its activities in such a way that suppliers, customers, contractors and the general public are not exposed to undue risks to their health and safety.
The Imagineering Foundation organising committee is responsible for regularly reviewing the Policy and auditing the compliance to Policy.