…at special schools event in Halifax
Imagineering took a stand at the recent Make It In Manufacturing event organised by the Calderdale and Kirklees Manufacturing Alliance, held at the Halifax Football Ground, The Shay. The annual event, targeting secondary school pupils, was designed to raise aspirations and encourage young people into manufacturing.
Around 350 students attended from 13 schools at this and a similar event in Huddersfield.
The Imagineering stand, managed by retired engineer Philip Purkis, had some practical handson demonstrations of simple STEM principles and skills needed to go into manufacturing.
General feedback of the event was extremely positive with exhibitors delighted at the quality of questions the young people were asking and the genuine interest in all things manufacturing. The students and teachers were excited by what they saw and experienced and all stayed well over their allotted time. Manufacturers showcased the amazing range of products they offer and really opened the students’ eyes to the possibilities of an exciting career in manufacturing.
Overall there was an average 50% increase in interest in manufacturing measured by the evaluation forms the students completed.
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