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13 Dec 2019


​To the London Model Engineering Exhibition

​The Imagineering outreach team is off to the three-day London Model Engineering Exhibition, organised by Meridienne Exhibitions and held in the Great Hall at Alexandra Palace from 17 - 19 January 2020.

This public event has been a regular gig for the team for years and Imagineering has a stand of loads of fun hands-on STEM activities for ages and abilities in the Model Active Zone end of the Hall.

Activities will be varied including maths, materials, conductivity and magnetic challenges as usual, the popular hydraulic arm and some new puzzles as well as a challenge to learn about the special elements of a smartphone!. There will also be an opportunity for youngsters to have a one-to-one session on the Imagineering Workbench with an engineer to make a model they can take home. There will also be some K’Nex so people can use their imagination and make a model to their own design.

For more information on LMEE 2020 -

posted by Joy Smith | comments 0 | tagged


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