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Whether you are a Teacher/Assistant, an Engineer/Scientist, Parent, Student or a willing Volunteer you can join the large band of those helping to support Imagineering Clubs.

There is always a demand from schools for more Imagineering Clubs. Where a teacher is not able to lead the Club, getting started will depend on finding volunteer tutors. This role may be shared between two or more people. It is an enjoyable and rewarding experience, putting something back, working with enthusiastic children - and you will be part of a growing network at the heart of the Imagineering Foundation. For younger engineers the experience is a recognised element in professional development.
(Download the Tutors leaflet below for the rewards of becoming a Tutor)

For Companies support employees working with Clubs is a visible contribution to the local community, as well as encouraging potential future engineers.
(Download the Corporate leaflet below for more on the benefits and rewards of supporting Imagineering)


The main qualification is an interest in helping children with practical tasks and the proper use of tools. Preferably tutors should have some engineering in their background.

All tutors need to submit a form for a police disclosure check. We can advise on how to go about this.

Induction sessions (about 1½ hours) are provided where possible for new tutors covering:

  • objectives and background of Imagineering
  • format of a Club session, schedule and examples of model projects
  • Health & Safety, risk assessments
  • Working with Children in a Club, preparations for starting (letter to parents, finding tutors, recommended tool list)

Model Kits

  • The distribution is handled by Proops Bros Ltd of Fleckney. To be sure that your Club is on the delivery list for the termly pack, the school needs to confirm with Imagineering before half term of the preceding term. Imagineering handles orders and invoicing.
  • Junior Engineering models have been mapped to related sections of the school curriculum.

Engineering visits are strongly encouraged for Imagineering Clubs. They are an excellent way of giving the children in Imagineering Clubs an introduction to the real world of a modern engineering organisation and the roles of people in it.

Apply to host an imagineering club

Apply to be an imagineering club tutor

Teacher helping a young boy to wire an electrical device in a classroom

The children who attended the Imagineering Club had notably improved SATs results compared to their peer group

Claire Doyle, Deputy Head
Bearwood Primary School

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